Monday, April 18, 2016

Texas Open Carry

Even in Texas, the right to carry a firearm is a touchy subject. House Bill 910 was signed into law on June 3rd, 2016, and took effect January 1st, 2016. The bill does not require the holder to obtain a separate license to carry a firearm openly. However, that does not mean an individual can have a firearm in plain view. The firearm must be carried in a shoulder or belt holster.

I agree with TexasFlower that the individual should have the right to choose whether to carry or not, but the law does state guidelines where one can openly carry. A license holder regardless of whether the firearm is holstered does not permit open carry on any public or private driveway, street, sidewalk or walkway, parking lot, parking garage or other parking area on an institution of higher education, or private institution of higher education.

The second amendment states that the individual posses the right to bear arms. Although, many cases have been brought to the Supreme Court changing the criteria for this right.

No matter what happens in the future, individuals will continue to feel uncomfortable when seeing a firearm in public and many will continue to fight for the right to defend themselves, when, and if the time comes. As the individual has the right to posses a firearm, an individual should have the right to deny an individual of entering their establishment.

The best way to prevent the worst from happening is to have addition training, which is not, required in House Bill 910. Only those with extensive training should be granted the right of open carry.

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